Take initiative by volunteering or interning with us at our headquarters in Black Mountain, North Carolina or by hand making gifts for patients.
Volunteers of every skill set are welcome. If you live in or are visiting the Western North Carolina region, there are always ways you can get involved and help our efforts directly. Volunteer projects vary from sorting or repackaging goods for shipments to landscaping. Click here to download our volunteer application.
Church and Community Ministries
From time to time, we have opportunities for church or mission groups and community groups to volunteer at our office. We welcome groups to volunteer with us during the week to assist our short staff with time consuming projects.
"Hands On" projects are other ways your group can help wherever you are. Other projects that groups have done in the past include: assembling hygiene kits, forming a prayer or knitting club, sponsor a run or walk, or a youth lock-in to raise awareness and support.
To inquire about available projects and to schedule a visit, please contact our office at (828.669.2355) for more information or email cfk@cfk.org
We offer limited internship opportunities at our office. Internship responsibilities range from basic office duties to updating databases to helping with shipments to translation work. We can be flexible and will try our best to accommodate your skills and interests. For those with a serious interest, please complete our internship application and fax or email it to our office.
make something special
One very personal way that donors can directly touch recipients is through knitting and crocheting. Hand-crafted gifts make a lasting impression on many hearts. We collect warm items (hats, gloves, scarves, blankets, etc.) of all sizes, dolls, and other creative projects all year long. Usually in the fall of each year, we distribute them to patients and staff preparing for winter.
Made with Love is a growing area within the ministry and has become a popular activity with individuals and church or retirement groups. If you are interested in donating inkind gifts to CFK or would like additional information, please contact Jane Baker at jkim@cfk.org.
*Please note: We are no longer accepting blanket squares.
Made with Love "How To's":
“Taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven and said a blessing. Then he broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds. And they all ate and were satisfied. And they took up twelve baskets full of the broken pieces left over. And those who ate were about five thousand men.”